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Contra Costa Republican Central Committee Endorsements for the March 2024 Primary:
US Senate: Steve Garvey >
CD 8 Rudy Recile > https://rudyforuscongress.com/
CD 9 Kevin Lincoln > https://www.kevinlincolnforcongress.com/
CD 10 - No endorsement
SD 3 - No endorsement
SD 7 Jeanne Solnordel > https://ballotpedia.org/Jeanne_Solnordal
SD 9 David Minor - Write-in candidate
AD 11 Wanda Wallis > https://www.votewanda.com/
AD 14 - No endorsement
AD 15 Sonia Ledo > https://www.sonialedo.com/
AD 16 Joe Rubay > https://joerubay.nationbuilder.com/
AD10 - Vote for one:
Nolan Chen > https://nolanchen.com/
Katherine Piccinini > https://piccinini4congress.com/
For a list of the California GOP Endorsed Candidates > https://www.cagop.org/s/endorsements
Recommendations from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association > https://www.hjta.org/endorsements-by-the-hjta-pac